
Turbulence, transfer, transport, and transformation:

interactions among environmental systems

General Information

Date / location:

May 24-25, 2012 / Budapest, Hungary (Eötvös auditorium, room 0.83)

Topics (organized into workshops):

- Large-scale transport in the atmosphere and oceans (organizers: Imre M. Jánosi and Tamás Tél)

Atmospheric and oceanic transport processes are relevant for basic science and applications. The series of presentations cover phenomena ranging from small scale mixing, through spreading of pollution (trace gases, aerosols, volcanic ash, etc.) up to the largest coherent structures characteristic of 2d quasigeostrophic turbulence.

- Radiative transfer and atmospheres (organizer: Attila G. Császár)

Understanding radiative transfer phenomena in atmospheres is important not only to the detailed understanding (and possibly an improved control) of the greenhouse effect on Earth but also from a more general astrochemical and astrophysical point of view. A scientific understanding of radiative transfer in atmospheres requires the availability of detailed line-by-line spectroscopic information on a small number of small molecules, an understanding of physical and chemical properties of molecules playing crucial roles in transfer phenomena, and the development of models (radiative transfer models, RTM) which can use all this information for an accurate numerical modeling of quantities such as irradiances, radiances, and radiative heating rates.

- Splitting methods: theory and applications (organizer: István Faragó)

Splitting techniques are commonly used when large-scale models, which appear in different fields of science and engineering, are treated numerically. Operator splitting means that the spatial differential operator in the equations is split (decomposed) into a sum of different sub-operators having simpler forms. In the treatment of large scientific and engineering problems splitting procedures are an excellent tool (and, very often, the only tool) by which huge computational tasks can be made tractable on the available computers. This is the reason why splitting techniques have been widely used in many fields of real-life numerical modelling, and the number of the publications in this topic is exponentially growing. We invite mathematicians as well as applied specialists including, among others, physicists, chemists, meteorologists and astronomers for a forum where we can discuss the latest achievements and possible new fields of applications of operator splitting methods.

- Transformations in combustion systems with low environmental impact (organizer: Tamás Turányi)

Most of the electricity production and all road transportation are based on combustion processes. The major products of combustion are carbon dioxide and water, but the by-products may include harmful chemicals. In the recent years, the design and development of burners, furnaces and engines are based on numerical models. These models take into account the turbulent flows, the transport and transformation of chemical species, and frequently calculate also the radiative energy transfer. Using these numerical models for the impovement of combustors and engines, the amount of pollutants emitted to the atmosphere can be significantly decreased.

- Exchange processes in the surface layer and their environmental impacts (organizers: Imre Salma and Tamás Weidinger)

Exchange of energy, momentum and matter including water, trace gases and aerosol particles play an important role in the regulation of atmospheric composition, weather, and climate. Both measurements and modelling approaches should be deployed to understand and influence several physical, chemical and physiological properties and processes including air quality and climate change. Research on vegetation, energy budget closure, and flux measurements from local to landscape scale are also to be involved. We invite micrometeorologists as well as other specialists in the field of atmospheric chemistry and environmental sciences to evaluate the current problems of measuring techniques, evaluation methods, and soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer models. Research results and conclusions of selected micrometeorological field campaigns (e.g., NitroEurope Bjerringbro Field Experiment) and fine aerosol measurements will also be discussed.

- Tracking the transition from turbulent clouds to stars - galactic cold cores in interstellar environments (organizer: L. Viktor Tóth)

The workshop discusses the details of star formation in our Galaxy based on the ongoing observations made by the Herschel satellite. The topics include the analysis and interpretation of the dust continuum measurements of Herschel and the follow-up observations with ground-based telescopes.




Special Information


Please note the Special Issue of the conference to be published in Időjárás, the English-language quaterly journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service.


During the conference, from the morning of May 24 to the evening of May 25, 2012, a free wireless connection is offered to participants at the site of the conference. Details will be given during registration.


Please see the enclosed information and the map concerning the conference dinner aboard a cruise ship.