

(Please submit your abstract in a .doc form using the following file: T4_AbstractForm.doc)



John Bally (Colorado University, U.S.A.)

The feedback ladder in star formation: turbulence, cloud disruption, and the ’Galactic Ecology’

Henry J. Curran (CCC, NUIG, Galway, Ireland)

Differences in the combustion of oxygenated hydrocarbons

Anton Daitche (Münster University, Germany)

An approach to turbulence from first principles

Edith Falgarone (Paris, France)

Intermittency of interstellar turbulence

Paola Fermo (University of Milan, Italy)

Estimation of wood burning contribution to PM in Northern Italy: a review of recent results

István Geresdi (University of Pécs, Hungary)

The role of clouds in the transport of aerosol particles

Nurcan Gücüyenen (IYTE, Turkey)

Iterative operator splitting method for capillary formation model in tumor angiogenesis problem: analysis and application

Regina Hitzenberger (University of Vienna, Austria)

Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation in urban and continental background regions

Ákos Horváth (LITR, Leipzig, Germany)

Evaluation of 3D effects in satellite cloud property retrievals using simulated observations

János Józsa (BME, Budapest, Hungary)

Shallow lake dynamics: an exposure to extreme space and time variations

Mika Juvela (Helsinki University, Finland)

Initial stages of star formation

Alexander Konnov (Lund University, Lund, Sweden)

Physics and chemistry behind laminar flame propagation

Joseph Pinto (EPA, U.S.A.)

Issues and progress in modeling intercontinental transport of ozone

Tamás Szabó (BCAM, Bilbao, Spain)

An IMEX scheme combined with Richardson extrapolation for reaction-diffusion equations

Jonathan Tennyson (UCL, London, UK)

Molecular line lists for the opacity of exoplanets, cool stars and other atmospheres

Alison S. Tomlin (University of Leeds, UK)

The role of sensitivity analysis in model improvement

Zahari Zlatev (NERI, Roskilde, Denmark)

Mathematical background of a large-scale environmental model




Large-scale transport

Sándor Baranya (BME, Budapest, Hungary)

Numerical modeling of mixing at the confluence zone of two rivers using a nested grid approach

Gergely Bölöni (Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest, Hungary)

Ensemble methods for diagnosing forecast errors and for probabilistic forecasting

Anton Daitche (Münster University, Germany)

Memory effect in the advection of inertial particles

Tímea Haszpra (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Aerosol particle advection in the atmosphere: Eyjafjallajökull and Fukushima

Viktória Homonnai (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Correlation properties of global empirical and CCMVal-2 ozone time series

Tamás Práger (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Similar global scale motions in the atmosphere and in the ocean

Gabriella Szépszó (Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest, Hungary)

Uncertainties in meteorological modeling: is it weakness or strength?

József Vanyó (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Chaotic motion of light particles in an unsteady three dimensional vortex: experiment and simulation

Miklós Vincze (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Experimental modeling of the Atlantic multidecadal variability

Márton Zsugyel (BME, Budapest, Hungary)

On the chaotic features of mixing at river groynes


Radiation and atmospheres

Attila Demeter (NSRC, Budapest, Hungary)

Some photophysical aspects of the atmospheric fate of acetone

Tibor Furtenbacher (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

MARVEL: measured active rotational-vibrational energy levels

Lauri Halonen (Helsinki, Finland)

Computational study of vibrational spectra and thermodynamic properties of the sulphuric acid monohydrate complex

Ákos Horváth (Leipzig, Germany)

View angle dependence of visible/near-infrared cloud liquid water path retrievals

Henrik G. Kjaergaard (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Spectroscopy of binary complexes

Hans Lischka (Lubbock, TX, U.S.A.)

Application of multireference theory: from the photodynamics of nucleobases to graphene multiradical structures

Eszter Lábó (HMS, Budapest, Hungary)

Application of a detailed microphysical scheme in calculating optical properties of warm clouds


Splitting methods

András Bátkai (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Operator splitting for distributed delay equations

Brigitta Brajnovits

Numerical analysis of the Richardson extrapolation in simplified environmental models

Gábor Csörgő

Bifurcations in a model of electrochemical reactions in fuel cells

Imre Fekete

Some nonlinear stability notions in numerical analysis

Boglárka Gnandt

Evaporation estimation in the HHFS hydrological forecasting model

Róbert Horváth

Solution of the Maxwell equations with splitting

János Karátson

Decoupled operator preconditioning for the numerical solution of nonlinear convection-reaction-diffusion systems

Fanni Kelemen

Sensitivity analysis of meteorological models with the adjoint method

Balázs Kovács

Variable preconditioning in complex Hilbert space and its application to the nonlinear Schrödinger equation

Tamás Ladics

Generalizations and error analysis of the iterative operator splitting method

Peter L. Simon

Differential equation approximation of network processes

Zahari Zlatev

Studying stability properties of the Richardson Extrapolation


Combustion systems

Henry J. Curran (CCC, NUIG, Galway, Ireland)

A detailed chemical kinetic model for syngas combustion at elevated pressure

Sándor Dóbé (NSRC, Budapest, Hungary)

Atmospheric chemistry of second generation biofuels

Alexander Konnov (Lund University, Lund, Sweden)

NO concentrations in NH3-doped CH4+air flames measured using saturated LIF and probe sampling

György Lendvay (NSRC, Budapest, Hungary)

A comparative theoretical study of the kinetics and dynamics of the reaction of H atoms with ground-state and excited O2

Alison S. Tomlin (University of Leeds, UK)

Estimating uncertainties in the derivation of phenomenological rate constants from theory

János Tóth (BME, Budapest, Hungary)

Investigating mechanisms: is this what you need?

Tamás Turányi (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Mechanism optimization P4: progress, promises and possible pitfalls

Tamás Varga (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Evaluation of ethyl iodide decomposition shock tube measurements

István Gy. Zsély (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Quantification of the accuracy of detailed reaction mechanisms


Exchange processes

Ferenc Ács (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Estimation of the actual evapotranspiration: an overview of Hungarian efforts

Tibor Borsós (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Study of ultrafine aerosol particles in different urban environments

Zita Ferenczi (HMS, Budapest, Hungary)

The effect of meteorological conditions on PM10 concentrations in Budapest

László Horváth (HMS, Budapest, Hungary)

Weather-induced variability of nitrogen exchange between the atmosphere and a grassland in the Hungarian Great Plain

Zsófia Kertész (INR HAS, Debrecen, Hungary)

Elemental fingerprints of atmospheric aerosol sources and transport in Debrecen, Hungary

Gyula Kiss (MTA-PE, Veszprém, Hungary)

Characterization of humic-like substances (HULIS) in size segregated atmospheric aerosol collected in different environments

István Matyasovszky (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Analysing Ambrosia pollen concentrations in Szeged, Hungary

Ágnes Molnár (MTA-PE, Veszprém, Hungary)

Characterization of the optical properties of rural and urban aerosol in Hungary

Joseph Pinto (EPA, U.S.A.)

Issues in downscaling for climate change studies

Andrea Pogány (Szeged University, Hungary)

A novel photoacoustic instrument for ammonia concentration and flux monitoring – results of field measurements

Balázs Szintai (HMS, Budapest, Hungary)

Parameterization of boundary-layer turbulence in the AROME non-hydrostatic numerical weather prediction model

Eszter Tóth (CAR HAS, Hungary)

Soil CO2 emission measurements on laboratory and field scales


Cold cores

Yasuo Doi (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)

AKARI all-sky far-infrared map

Douglas J. Marshall (IRAP, EU)

The Herschel Hi-GAL view of dust in molecular clumps in different Galactic environments

Gábor Marton (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Galactic distribution of AKARU YSO candidates

Gábor Marton (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Point source extraction from the Herschel timeline

Julien Montillaud (University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland)

Statistical properties of cold cores from the Galactic Cold Cores programme

Laurent Pagani (University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland)

Planck Cold Cores: follow-up studies with IRAM-30m and JCMT telescopes

V.-M. Pelkonen (FINCA, Turku, Finland)

Herschel data reduction

L. Viktor Tóth (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Structure of cold ISM, YSO clustering and turbulence

Sarolta Zahorecz (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary)

Star formation in the Planck ECC cold clumps